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Ready in 40 mins

Recipe by Graham 

Champ is an Irish dish, made by combining mashed potatoes and chopped spring onions (scallions) with butter and milk. In some areas of Ireland, the dish is also called "poundies". It is simple, inexpensive, tasty, creamy and perfect with Sausages or Pork Chops (unless you are vegetarian!).

Preparation Time

10 Minutes

Cooking Time

30 Minutes

Ingredients for Champ

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Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements

To serve 6 - 8:

3 lb potatoes
1/3 pint milk
3 oz butter
  salt and white pepper
2 bunches spring onions (a.k.a. scallions or salad onions)

How to Cook Champ

  1. If necessary, scrub the potatoes, then boil them still in their skins in salted water until soft (about 30 minutes). Meanwhile, finely chop the spring onions. Drain and remove the potatoes from the pan. Leave until just cool enough to peel. Scoop out the inner potato with a spoon into a large bowl and discard the skins. Mash the potato thoroughly, using just a little of the milk if necessary to help the process (it needn't be totally smooth at this stage)
  2. Heat the remaining milk and add to the potato, together with the chopped spring onions. Season with salt and white pepper to taste and stir well. Pile into a serving dish, make a well in the centre and add the butter. Serve immediately while the butter is melting.
Test to see if your potatoes are cooked by piercing them with a fork. You should be able to push the fork deep into the potato without meeting any stiff resistance.