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Courgettes (Zucchini)

Ready in 11 mins

Recipe by Graham 

The zucchini or courgette is a popularly cultivated summer squash. The word zucchini is the Italian name for the plant, which is why it is the more common name in Italy, but also in North America, Australia and Germany, while courgette is the French name for the vegetable and is more commonly used in all other countries. Zucchini can be dark or light green, and generally have a similar shape to a ridged cucumber

Medium-sized courgettes are best and should be kept in a cool place, or in the salad section of your fridge. Try to use them within three or four days of purchase if possible. To prepare them remove about ½" (1cm) from each end. You do not need to remove the outer skin.

Preparation Time

3 Minutes

Cooking Time

8 Minutes

Ingredients for Courgettes (Zucchini)

If you are not familiar with any ingredients, please check our International Cooking Terms page.

Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements

To serve 4:

4 medium courgettes (zucchini) about 6" (15cm) long
1 oz butter
  salt and pepper

How to Cook Courgettes (Zucchini)

  1. Trim and slice the courgettes and place them in a pan of slightly salted water. Bring the water to the boil, then cover the pan and boil gently for 7-8 minutes. Drain off the water and allow the courgettes to cool slightly until you can handle them easily. Split them in two longways and use a teaspoon to remove the seeds from the middle, just leaving the firm flesh around the outside. Grind a little fresh pepper over them. Serve hot with the butter melting on top.
Unless the recipe demands otherwise, when buying courgettes choose the smallest possible since they taste better than larger (older) ones. Round or long isn't important.