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Ready in 12 mins

Recipe by Graham 

The Leek is a largely overlooked vegetable (except in Wales, where it is the national emblem). If properly cooked, it makes no difference whether you buy young leeks or slightly older (larger) leaks. Simply choose those with the most white stem since you won't be using the green parts of the stem at the top.

The biggest problem for most 'first time' cooks is in making sure that the leaks are properly cleaned since soil can penetrate between the layers of 'leaf'. While most cooks will slice their leeks whole and hope to wash out any soil, the simplest way to clean them is to trim off all the dark green leaves then split the leek lengthways down the middle, stopping about 1" (2.5cm) before reaching the root. You can then open up the leaves and rinse away any soil under cold running water. Once rinsed, cut off the root and discard, then slice the leek into lengths of about ½" - ¾" (1cm - 2cm).

Preparation Time

2 Minutes

Cooking Time

10 Minutes

Ingredients for Leeks

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To serve 4:

2 - 3 leeks
  salt and pepper

How to Cook Leeks

  1. Prepare the leeks as above and place them into a pan of slightly salted water. Bring to the boil, then cover and simmer for 10-12 minutes. Drain well and serve hot with white sauce and a dash of freshly-ground pepper.
If you have a slice of cut ham available why not make Ham and Leek Bake instead?