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Steak with Mustard Cream Sauce

Ready in 22 mins

Recipe by Graham 

So you want to impress your friends with your culinary skills eh? Well here's a way to cook and present the most delicious steak slices you could possibly imagine. Steak with Mustard Cream Sauce is stunningly simple but shamelessly decadent!. Serve with French Fried Potatoes or, for special effect Potatoes with Cheese and Bacon

Preparation Time

2 Minutes

Cooking Time

20 Minutes

Ingredients for Steak with Mustard Cream Sauce

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Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements

To serve 4:

1½ lb sirloin steak about 2" (5cm) thick
3 tablespoons French mustard
  salt & pepper
2 oz butter
¾ pint double cream (heavy cream)
3 tablespoons brandy

How to Cook Steak with Mustard Cream Sauce

  1. Spread each side of the steak with 1 tablespoon of French mustard. Place the steak in a dish, cover and leave to stand for about 1 hour. Season to taste with salt and freshly-ground pepper.
  2. Melt the butter in a heavy-based frying pan, add the steak and seal both sides quickly over a high heat. Lower the heat and cook for a further 3-4 minutes on each side according to your taste (see table below). Transfer to a warmed serving dish and keep hot.
  3. Add the remaining tablespoon of mustard to the pan, along with half of the cream and a little more salt and pepper. Bring to just below boiling point (never boil cream!), add the brandy and stir well, then add the remaining cream and bring the sauce up to heat again. Slice the steak into serving portions and pour the sauce over. Garnish with a sprig of watercress if you want to impress!
    Cooking Times
    Based on a ¾" (2cm) thick steak
    Blue1½ minutes on each side
    Rare2½ minutes on each side
    Medium4 minutes on each side
    Well done6 minutes on each side
    Here's a handy guide to cooking steak
If you have mustard that you do not often use or, indeed, a mustard pot without a lid), to avoid it drying out or developing a nasty 'crust', place a slice of lemon on the top. It will keep the mustard perfectly fresh.
Malbec like Les Hauts de Saint-Georges. Malbec-based wines are at their best as a match to grilled or stewed steak.