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Foods To Be Careful Of

How often have you or your friends or colleagues suffered from "a stomach bug" and had to spend an uncomfortable day or two getting over it?

Well the prime suspect is the norovirus, the most common cause of food poisoning in the world. In fact studies estimate that 200,000 Americans contract food poisoning every day. But some experts believe the actual number is closer to 800,000.

Europe and Australasia is no better and, in 4 of 5 of food poisoning cases, the attack happens at home - right (on the plate) under your nose.

Almost everyone will experience at least one incident of sickness in the next twelve months attributable to a food-borne virus, bacteria, or toxin. But most of us won't know what hit us; we'll chalk up the usually mild symptoms - nausea, diarrhoea, cramping - to an unspecified "stomach bug".

In fact, the handful of most likely suspects of stomach upsets are...

Ground Beef
Ground Turkey
Cold Cuts
Scallions (Spring Onions)
Prawns (Shrimp)


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