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Game Recipes

Game meat processing varies by game species and size. Small game and fowl may simply be carried home to be butchered. Large game such as deer is quickly field-dressed by removing the viscera in the field, while very large animals like moose may be partially butchered in the field because of the difficulty of removing them intact from their habitat. Small game can be processed essentially intact; after gutting and skinning, small animals are ready for cooking although they may be disjointed first.

Generally game is cooked in the same ways as farmed meat. Because some game meat is leaner than store-bought beef, overcooking is a common mishap which can be avoided if properly prepared. It is sometimes grilled or cooked longer or by slow cooking or moist-heat methods to make it more tender, since some game tends to be tougher than farm-raised meat. Other methods of tenderizing include marinating, cooking in a game pie or as a stew.

  *** GAME RECIPES ***  

  • Preparation: 5 Minutes
    Cooking: 15 Minutes
  • Preparation: 15 Minutes
    Cooking: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
  • Preparation: 10 Minutes
    Cooking: 1 Hour 15 Minutes
  • Preparation: 30 Minutes
    Cooking: 45 Minutes


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