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Apple and Honey Slices Recipe

Apple and Honey Slices

Rating 5-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again
An Unusual Recipe

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Nowadays, you can easily buy stewed apples ready-made in jars from a supermarket and, for some meals, that's fine as a quick and easy solution. However, there are some meals that just beg for something a little more 'upmarket' and Apple and Honey slices fills that need. Try them with a whole Black Pudding as a complete meal or with a Pork Chop as part of a main dish.

      Preparation Time: 5 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 20 Minutes

Ingredients for Apple and Honey Slices

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US Imperial Measurements  UK Imperial Measurements  Metric Measurements

Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements
serves 2:
eating apples
1 oz
1 tablespoon
liquid honey


How to Cook Apple and Honey Slices

  1. Peel the apples and cut into quarters, Cut out the heart with the pips and then slice the apples about ¼" (0.5cm) thick. Grease a shallow oven-proof dish with a little butter then lay the apple slices on the bottom in layers. Drizzle the honey over the apple and add small 'nuts' of butter (butter broken into small pieces). Place in the centre of a pre-heated oven at Mk7 (425ºF - 220ºC) for 20 minutes. Serve hot.

Peel the apples just before using. If you peel them too soon they will turn brown out in the air.
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Reviews of Apple and Honey Slices

Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again August 03 2014
These are so much better than the normal stewed apple. The honey adds sweetness and character.
(6 reviews)

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