38 mins
38 mins
Preparation Time: 3 Minutes
Cooking Time: 35 Minutes
Ingredients for Baked Apples
If you are not familiar with any ingredients, please check our International Cooking Terms page.
Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements
to serve 2:
2 tablespoons
1 teaspoon
ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons
How to Cook Baked Apples
- Keeping the apples whole and unpeeled, remove the cores with a slightly curved peeling knife, but do not make a hole right through (leave a short 'plug' at the base of the apple). Mix the cinnamon and sugar together and use the mixture to fill the apples where the core has been removed. Place a knob of butter on top of each apple then put about ½" (1cm) water in an ovenproof dish and place the apples in the dish. Bake in a preheated moderately hot oven (Mk 6 - 400ºF - 200ºC) for about 35 minutes until the apples are soft to the touch. Once or twice during cooking, baste the apples with the juices in the dish. Serve hot.
If you see the tops of the apples begin to burn during cooking, place a 2" (5cm) square of aluminium foil over them The apples will continue to cook normally, but will not brown so quickly.
Reviews of Baked Apples
August 05 2014 Great baked apples! Very simple and delicious. Instead of putting water in the bottom of the dish, I use apple juice.These are amazing topped with a dollup of creme fraiche! Jose (3 reviews) |
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