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Fresh Tomato Sauce Recipe

Fresh Tomato Sauce

Rating 4-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again

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As I say in my recipe for Stuffed Tomatoes, nothing should be wasted! The flesh and seeds that are removed from the insides of the tomatoes can be used to create a Fresh Tomato Sauce that's perfect with any form of pasta dish.

      Preparation Time: 5 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 40 Minutes

Ingredients for Fresh Tomato Sauce

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Flesh and seeds from inside 4 large tomatoes
bouquet garni
1 clove
2 teaspoons
tomato purée
salt and pepper


How to Cook Fresh Tomato Sauce

  1. Peel and crush (mince) the garlic clove and peel and roughly chop the onion. Place all the ingredients (including a good dash of salt and a few twists of fresh pepper) into a pan and boil gently for about half-an-hour until the moisture reduces to about half of its original volume. Remove the bouquet garni then allow the liquid to cool. Place into a blender and 'liquidate' until it is completely smooth or, if you don't have a blender, press the mixture through a sieve (strainer) and reject the solid remnants.
  2. Serve hot as a sauce for almost any pasta dish such as spaghetti, macaroni, fusilli, fettuccini, tortellini etc. It's also extremely good with Gnocchi or spätzle.

If you haven't made stuffed tomatoes, you can use two whole chopped tomatoes instead of the flesh and seeds extracted from four tomatoes. You just need to peel the tomatoes first. To do this, place them in very hot water (close to boiling) for about one minute. Remove the tomatoes from the water and you'll find that the skin peels away easily, leaving the flesh perfectly intact.
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Reviews of Fresh Tomato Sauce

Rating 4 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again March 29 2014
Works for me. Now, any time I 'empty' a tomato, I save the seeds and skin and freeze them. Then, when i have a good 'collection', I make this sauce and freeze what I don't need straight away. It's waaaay better than any sauce you can get in the stores.
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