20 mins
Savoury Chive Biscuits
Ingredients for Savoury Chive Biscuits
Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements
How to Cook Savoury Chive Biscuits
- Cream the butter and cheese together in a bowl until well blended. Sift the flour through a sieve (strainer) into the mix and add the chopped chives. Mix with a fork until everything is well combined.
- Turn the dough onto a lightly floured board or other flat surface and roll it out to about ¼" (5mm) thickness. Using a plain-edged cookie cutter or upturned eggcup (or similar) cut the dough into rounds of about 1½" (3.5cm). Place these well apart on a lightly greased baking tray and bake in a preheated moderately hot oven (Mk 6 - 400ºF - 200ºC) for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack.
Be sure to chop the chives very fine. They are there to impart flavour, not particularly to be seen.
What To Eat Tonight
Soup from a packet? You're kidding! Good soups are easy to make and are a whole lot more healthy and wholesome than any commercial stuff.
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Having a gang of friends in , or the whole extended family? Need a recipe that's easy to 'extend' to accommodate a bigger group? No problem!
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