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Summer Pudding Recipe

Summer Pudding

Rating 4-5 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again
An Ideal Recipe for Entertaining

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Summer Pudding is a very, very simple but effective way of presenting soft red fruits (and the taste of summer is quite amazing). Soft fruit (which can be bought ready-mixed in frozen packs) can include any of the following... raspberries, redcurrants, blackberries, strawberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants or bilberries.

      Preparation Time: 10 Minutes + waiting

      Cooking Time: 5 Minutes

A Top Choice Recipe for Entertaining

Ingredients for Summer Pudding

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to serve 4 - 6:
2 lb
frozen mixed red fruits
4 oz
caster (superfine) sugar
10 - 12 thin slices
white bread


How to Cook Summer Pudding

  1. Place the fruit and sugar in a large pan and simmer gently, stirring from time-to-time for about 5 minutes until the fruit is tender but not mushy. Meanwhile, trim the crusts off the bread then from one slice, cut a circle that will fit into the base of a 900ml (1½pt) pudding basin. Cut the remaining bread into strips or wedges to line the side of the basin. Try to leave no spaces but don't worry if you have to fill any gaps with small pieces of bread - it won't cause any problems.
  2. Half fill the lined basin with the fruit and juice and then cut another layer of bread at roughly the halfway point up the basin and place it on top of the fruit. Now complete filling the basin with the fruit and juice leaving just enough room at the top for a final layer of bread. Place a flat plate with a weight on the top and leave overnight in a cool place (ideally a fridge). When you are ready to serve, remove the weight and the kitchen plate and place a serving plate face down on the top of the bowl, hold it well in place and turn both bowl and plate over. As you gently lift the basin, the pudding will remain beautifully in shape on the plate. Serve with cream and a glass of sweet white wine... simply delicious!

When you make Summer Pudding the first time, you may be a little worried (unduly) about it holding its shape. If so, place it in the freezer about half-an-hour before it's due to be served. This will guarantee you have no mishaps!
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Reviews of Summer Pudding

Rating 4 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again February 12 2019
This is a winner every time in our house. It's stupidly simple but tastes so good. The big advantage is that you can make it the day before and just serve it when you are ready.
(2 reviews)
Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again February 04 2015
I naughty cheated on this!! I had a Rumtopf chillin' in the fridge so I used that instead. The fruits are perfectly macerated already and the rum and sugar mixture is coloured by the red fruits and is perfect to soak into the bread. It was probably the most alcoholic summer pudding ever made, but our family wouldn't complain about something like that! It all disappeared in minutes! Never mind the cream, we just spooned on more "juice" from the Rumtopf. Do I get a point for inventing a new recipe???
(1 review)
Rating 4 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again May 14 2014
Super easy, make ahead dessert that always manages to "Wow" company by its beautiful stage presence. Delicious taste regardless, but I've substituted 1/2 the sugar with splenda to lighten it a bit from time to time. Simple ingredients and it's ready when you are.
(1 review)
Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again January 18 2014
I am convinced that this recipe was sent to me as a gift from the gods! Yesterday morning, my husband announced he was bringing a couple of work colleagues home and would I "be a dear and knock something up for dinner!!!". I was fine with starter and main course, but trying to think of a dessert (other than something shop-bought) was giving me a headache. Then I came across this recipe and I even had the frozen red fruit already in the freezer. I know it says to leave "overnight" in the fridge but I cheated and put it in the freezer for an hour(+) and then moved it to the fridge! It came out just amazing (looking like a delighfully healthy Christmas Pudding!) and tasted divine. Really, it was one of the best (and easiiest) desserts I've ever made. I served it with some whipped cream (though custard would have worked just as well) and everybody went back for a second helping. Absolutely first class recipe. Thanks a lot.
(1 review)

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