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Toasted Cheese and Ham Sandwich Recipe

Toasted Cheese and Ham Sandwich


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Another very simple snack which looks as good as it tastes. By spreading butter on the outside of the bread before grilling, the sandwich takes on a beautiful golden-brown hue.

If you feel that it's really too easy to have a recipe for Toasted Cheese and Ham Sandwich, please read my introduction. There, I say that the only assumptions I have made about you, the visitor to NeedaRecipe.com, is that you know what an egg is, and that you can tell the difference between the sharp end of a knife and the blunt end! Because of this, you may find some of the recipes a little elementary. If this is the case, don't worry because it means that you have a head start on some of your fellow site visitors. Even visitors who have some basic culinary skills will find that this site contains plenty of useful ideas and short cuts that they have not come across before.

      Preparation Time: 5 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 5 Minutes

Ingredients for Toasted Cheese and Ham Sandwich

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Makes 2 toasted sandwiches:
2 oz
Cheddar cheese
4 slices
white bread
2 slices

PLEASE NOTE: This recipe calls for the GRILLING or BROILING of food. In most countries of the world, the term "grilling" refers to heat coming from above the food source. Significantly, in North America, it signifies heat from below the food (such as barbecuing). In the United States and Canada, when the heat source for grilling comes from above, grilling is termed broiling, and the pan that holds the food is usually called a broiler pan.


How to Cook Toasted Cheese and Ham Sandwich

  1. Spread a little mustard of your choice (I personally prefer Dijon) onto one slice of bread, cover with either grated or a thin slice of hard cheese (like Cheddar) then place a slice of ham on top. Trim the ham so it doesn't overlap the edges of the bread. Place the second slice of bread on top then butter it on the outside.
  2. Place the sandwich under a hot grill (broiler) until it turns golden brown. Remove it, turn it over and again butter the top. Replace it in the grill until that side, too, is golden brown. Eat!!

Serve this sandwich with a couple of wedges of cold tomato and a sprig of parsley... looks good!
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