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Trio of Scallops Recipe

Trio of Scallops

Rating 5-0 out of 5 - Most cooks definitely will make this recipe again
An Ideal Recipe for EntertainingAn Unusual RecipeAn Ideal Recipe for Slimmers

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A Trio of Scallops is a simple and very effective starter course or, as you will see when you follow the recipe below, you can extend the choice to make it a "quad" of scallops. This lovely dish is perfect for serving when entertaining since it can mostly be prepared beforehand and then will take only four or five minutes to finish and serve.

The most effective way to serve a Trio of Scallops is in long individual dishes that are separated into three sections. If you cannot find these, you can use Chinese soup spoons (the ones that have a flat bottom so stand up on their own) with one scallop per spoon. And failing that, just use scallop shells (one scallop per shell). The finished scallops should be placed in the correct order on the plate and eaten from left to right. No - this is not food snobbery, it's simply that the taste begins gently and builds to a crescendo.

      Preparation Time: 15 Minutes

      Cooking Time: 15 Minutes

A Top Choice Recipe for Something Unusual

Ingredients for Trio of Scallops

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to serve 4:
salt and pepper
white wine
1 tablespoon
crême fraîche
8 oz
foie gras
king scallops
4 rashers (slices)
smoked streaky bacon (side bacon)
4 oz
calves liver
1 extra
king scallop


How to Cook Trio of Scallops

  1. There are three separate preparations - with leeks, with scallops, and with foie gras...
  2. Remove the green leaves and the shoots of the leeks, leaving only the white. Cut lengthways into fine strips (julienne) then cut into 2" (5cm) lengths. Melt a little butter in a frying pan and cook the leeks gently for about 5 minutes until they soften. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add a small amount of white wine (about ¼ glass) and continue to cook over a gentle heat until the wine has completely evaporated. Place the leeks in a small dish and set aside (to be reheated later when you are ready to serve)
  3. Peel and slice the shallots into fine rondelles. Melt a little butter in the same pan you just cooked the leeks in and add the shallots. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and cook over a very gentle heat until the shallots are soft and transparent (do not allow them to brown). Remove from the heat and stir in the crême fraîche. As with the leeks, place the shallots in a small dish and set aside to be reheated later when you are ready to serve.
  4. That's as much preparation as you can make, so this last step is done just before you serve the dish... Chop the foie gras into pieces about ½" (1.5cm) across. Heat a frying pan and toss the foie gras into the pan, season with a little salt (not too much). Within 2 or 3 minutes, the foie gras will give off a lot of fat.
  5. As soon as the foie gras begins to give off its fat, you should also start to cook the scallops and reheat the leeks and shallots. In a separate frying pan, melt a small amount of butter (just enough so the scallops don't stick to the pan). When the pan is hot, add 8 of the scallops. Place the other 4 scallops into the pan with the foie gras. Meanwhile, reheat the shallots and leeks in your microwave (No microwave? - Gently reheat them in separate pans before starting to cook the foie gras and scallops)
  6. Cook the scallops for one minute on each side then remove from the heat. In your dishes (or shells) place a spoonful of leeks and place a scallop on top. In the next part of the dish (or the next shell) place a spoonful of shallots and place a scallop on top. In the last part of the dish (or the last shell) place a few pieces of foie gras (avoid spooning in any grease) and place a scallop on top. Serve immediately and enjoy the superb combination of flavours (be sure to advise your guests to eat them in the right order - leeks, shallots, foie gras)
  7. ALTERNATIVE OR ADDITIONAL METHOD... Foie gras is neither cheap nor easily come by (I'm lucky to live in France and can get it from the local supermarket). As an alternative to foie gras (or as an additional fourth part of the dish) you can use a mixture of calves liver and bacon (or just bacon on its own if you prefer)
  8. Slice the liver and bacon into thin strips and flash fry for no more than one minute. This mixture can replace the foie gras or, if you are adding it as a fourth part, you will need an extra scallop per person to perch on the top. If used as a fourth part, it should be eaten last since otherwise the flavours of bacon and liver would overpower anything else that followed.

Never ever overcook a scallop. Far better to undercook slightly since it will retain all its flavour and moistness. Don't forget that many people eat scallops raw, so slightly undercooked will not harm you in any way. For large scallops, one minute per side is usually sufficient.
GRAHAM'S WINE RECOMMENDATION: GrahamA good Chardonnay like Chassagne-Montrachet will do the trick nicely. It's true that these are some of the most expensive and long-lived white wines in the world but for a dish like this, it's well worth the effort and expense. (The last time we had this dish, we managed to lay our hands on a 1996 Chassagne-Montrachet Clos St Jean which complimented the scallops and their accompaniments perfectly.)
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Reviews of Trio of Scallops

Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again August 01 2022
Fabulous recipe. Tastes as good at it looks, and very easy to make. I can't get fresh foie gras so used some from a jar and just warmed it gently instead. I'm sure it tasted just as good. Definitely need some crusty bread or baguette with this one.
(1 review)
Rating 5 out of 5 - Many cooks will make this recipe again March 29 2015
I grew up in France and often go back there to see family members. Last time I was there, because fresh foie gras is easy to get, I tried out this recipe and it was absolutely, outstandingly awesome!! I can't tell you just how good it was... I just lack the vocabulary, but VERY VERY GOOD does not do it credit. I shall definitely be making this again when the opportunity arises.
(5 reviews)

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