20 mins
+ waiting
20 mins
+ waiting
Preparation Time: 10 Minutes + waiting
Cooking Time: 10 Minutes
Ingredients for Blinis
If you are not familiar with any ingredients, please check our International Cooking Terms page.
Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements
to serve 4:
½ oz
12 oz
plain flour (all-purpose flour)
just under one pint
4 medium
How to Cook Blinis
- Sift 8oz (225g) of the flour into a mixing bowl and stir in the yeast till well mixed. Warm ½ pint (285ml) of the milk in a pan (or microwave) until luke warm and stir into the flour to create a thin paste. Leave this paste to ferment at warm room temperature for two hours.
- Add the remaining 4oz (115g) of flour, the yolks from TWO eggs and a pinch of salt. Warm the remaining ¼ pint (145ml) milk so it is just tepid and mix everything together without letting it acquire any body. Whisk the whites from ALL FOUR eggs and stir into the mix.
- Let the preparation ferment again for half an hour at room temperature. Cook the blinis quickly on a hot-plate or large, flat-bottomed frying pan (just like pancakes). Serve while warm.
Add the remaining egg yolks to an omelette. They will keep in a fridge for a couple of days if you cover them with cling film that is actually touching the yolk (i.e. no air getting in).
Reviews of Blinis
February 18 2013 It was well worth making these. I know they are usually available at my supermarket, but homemade really does taste best! Lyse (3 reviews) |
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