20 mins
20 mins
Preparation Time: 10 Minutes
Cooking Time: 10 Minutes
Ingredients for Lemon Curd
If you are not familiar with any ingredients, please check our International Cooking Terms page.
Currently displaying quantities in US Imperial Measurements
1 lb
6 oz
How to Cook Lemon Curd
- Warm the lemons just a little above room temperature then finely grate (shred) the thin yellow outer skin (the zest). Squeeze the lemon juice into a dish or bowl and, in another bowl, beat the eggs.
- Melt the butter gently into a large saucepan (do not overheat it). Add the sugar, lemon juice and zest and stir over a low heat until dissolved. Remove the pan from the heat and fold in the beaten eggs. Replace the pan (still on low heat) and stir until the mixture thickens (do not allow to boil).
- That's all there is to it. Just pour the mixture into screw top jars and it will keep in the fridge for weeks (but maybe not for months). Serve on warm crusty bread or on Easybake Scones
You will have to trust me on this one... GIVE AWAY a few jars of fresh Lemon Curd to your friends and they'll keep coming back and asking you either for the recipe or when do you plan making more... and it's so simple!!
Reviews of Lemon Curd
August 01 2014 My mom learned how to make lemon curd from her (English) mom, and I used to love it as a kid. Sadly, when my mom passed, I never knew the recipe and commercial lemon curd is horrible. So i thought I'd try this recipe because it looks really easy. And it was. And it tastes EXACTLY like the wonderful lemon curd I used to have as a child. I can't tell you how happy I am. Now I'm going to make sure I pass this recipe down to my kids so they can enjoy it too. jayne (4 reviews) |
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